Friday, October 24, 2008

Top Floor, Please!

Well this mainly talks about a woman name Grant and she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do after high school. she spent a few months at a community college and later decided that she’d did want an higher education so she soon drop out and a friend of hers told her of a opening for a sales position at a hotel and she wanted to know more about it. So when she meets this sale director at the hotel she notices that she could not do the job. But the director told her if she’d ever had anyone spend a night over at her house. So she have had people spend a night over at her house and the director told her it’s just like that but to take care of people like guests in your home and you'll just do fine in this business. So she been work there for years and progressed steadily on her career path. Also she became the hotel manager of InterContinental Buck head manager Atlanta a four star luxury. so basically what she saying is that if you really want something you have to work hard for it work your way up. And it also talks about these people who made it in the hotel industry they are Peter Infante who was hired as a front desk agent and proved to be a superstar from the start. He worked hard and took extra tasks also worked long hours. So he was promoted to front desk supervisor and then to credit manager so he worked really hard to get were he at now. Also one of the other people are Brian Chambers he also start out in the front desk but went a different direction with his strong computer skills and good work ethic help him land a promotion as IT systems coordinator. The other person is Gwen Foster she was a temporary administrative assistant. But the hotel management recognized her talents and hired her permanently as a sale assistant. So yea is talks about the hotel industry

1 comment:

Melanie said...

nice summary SLIPPERZ talk bout being a maid i bet u get paid even more... but nice putting ur summary in your own words...